Brendan Kitts Publications

Brendan Kitts Publications

For a complete list of publications please visit



Jansen, B., Flaherty, T., Baeza-Yates, R., Hunter, L., Kitts, B., Murphy, J. (2009), The Components and Impact of Sponsored Search, Computer, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 98-101. May 2009

Wu, G. and Kitts, B. (2008), Experimental comparison of scalable online ad serving, Fourteenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2008), pp. 1008-1015. [PPT Presentation also available]


Kitts, B. and Hetherington, K. (2005) Price Optimization in Grocery Stores using Cannibalistic Interactions, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Data Mining Case Studies, November 27, Houston, TX..


Kitts, B. LeBlanc, B., Laxminarayan, P. (2005),Click Fraud, American Society for Information Science and Technology Bulletin, December / January 2006, pp. 20-23


Kitts, B. Laxminarayan, P. and LeBlanc, B. (2005) Cooperative Strategies for Keyword Auctions, First International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications, Wales. September 2005. [PPT Presentation also available]


Kitts, B. Laxminarayan, P. and LeBlanc, B., Meech, R. (2005) A Formal Analysis of Search Auctions Including Predictions on Click Fraud and Bidding Tactics,  ACM Conference on E-Commerce - Workshop on Sponsored Search, Vancouver, UK. June 2005.


Kitts, B., LeBlanc, B. (2004), Optimal Bidding on Keyword Auctions, Electronic Markets – The International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Business Media, Vol. 14, No. 3.


Kitts, B., LeBlanc, B. (2004), A Trading Agent and Simulator for Keyword Auctions, Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous and Multi-Agent Systems, July 19-23 2004, New York City, NY. [PPT presentation also available]


Kitts, B., Hetherington, K., Vrieze, M. (2002), Large-scale mining, discovery and visualization of WWW user clickpaths, International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 21-48, World Scientific Publishing Company


Kitts, B., Edvinsson, L., Beding, T. (2001), Intellectual Capital: From Intangible Assets to Fitness Landscapes, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 20, pp. 35-50, Pergamon Press. [Book chapter also available]


Edvinsson, L., Kitts, B. and Beding, T. (2000), The next generation of IC measurement - the digital IC-landscape, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 263-273, Emerald. [available here]


Kitts, B., Freed, D., Vrieze, M. (2000), Cross-sell: A fast, promotion-tunable recommendation method based on conditionally independent probabilities, Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 20-23, Boston.


Kitts, B. (1999), Representation Operators and Computation, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 2, May, pp. 223-240, Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Kitts, B., Cooke, S., Sekuler, R., Mataric, M., (1997), Improved Pattern Recognition by Combining Invariance Methods, First International Conference on Vision, Recognition and Action. Boston, MA. May.


Cooke, S., Sekuler, R., Kitts, B., Mataric, M. (1997), Delayed and real-time imitation of complex visual gestures, First International Conference on Vision, Recognition and Action, Boston, MA. May.


Kitts, B. (1997), Much Ado About Dynamics, Metascience, Issue 11, pp. 127-134.


Kitts, B. (1996), Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, May. pp. 276-279, Kluwer Academic Publishers


Kitts, B. (1996), A Statistical Link between Learning and Evolution, Proceedings of the Sixth Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS'96), Cambridge, MA, July 1996.


Kitts, B. (1996), The Computational Theory of Mind, Metascience, Vol. 10


Kitts, B. (1995), Active Reinforcement Learning & Reward Optimisation using Holland credit assignment, Active Learning Symposium, The 1995 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, MIT, November 10-12, 1995


Kitts, B. (1993), A Learning Model Based on NeuroModulation and LTP, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications. December.


Kitts, B. (1993), Connectionist model of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and on-line spatial memory, Second Australian Cognitive Science Conference. Melbourne, 3-5 February.


Kitts, B. (1993), Is Functionalism an appropriate theory for Cognitive Science?, Second Australian Cognitive Science Conference, Melbourne, 3-5 February.



Technical reports


Kitts, B. (2005), Creative Strategies on Pay per click auctions, Search Engine Advisor Newsletter, iProspect Corporate website, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, April 2005,


Kitts, B. (2005), The Volume-Efficiency Tradeoff, Search Engine Advisor Newsletter, Vol. 4, Iss. 3, March 2005, iProspect Corporate website,


Kitts, B. (2005), Being in the Right Time at the Right place on Pay per click auctions Pt2, Search Engine Advisor Newsletter, Vol. 4, Iss. 2, February 2005,

Kitts, B. (2005), Being in the Right Time at the Right place Pt1, Search Engine Advisor Newsletter, Vol. 4, Iss. 1, January 2005,


Kitts, B., Laxminarayan, P., Chan, J., Janis, A., Ahmadi, M. (2005), Objective Optimization in a Search Engine Advertising Program using 0-1 Knapsack, unpublished.


Kitts, B. (1999) Diamonds in the rough: Finding top customers in lower-than-average segments by predicting potential (includes clustering and potential prediction methods at a large retail chain). Technical Report describing customer case study.


Kitts, B. (1999) Regression Trees, Technical Report describing dtree decision tree implemented in Matlab and C, and used in many products.


Kitts, B. (1998) The Ecology of the retail store (includes two experiments on using affinities to increase profit). Technical Report describing customer case study.


Kitts, B. (1998) Price optimization (includes a 120 day price experiment executed at a retail chain). Technical Report describing customer case study.




Kitts, B. (2008) Publisher advertisement return on investment optimization, Application 20080275770

Kitts, B. (2008), Click Fraud Protector, 11/559,291. US 2008/0114624 A1, Application 20080114624

Najm, T., Kitts, B., Burdick, B. (2008) Identifying automated click fraud programs, Application 20080281606

Kitts, B. and Marckini, F. (2004), Methods and Systems for Paid Media Optimization, Patent, Docket 1159P007US00, 80113.005US1. Provisional filed July 22nd, converted to patent filing July 20th, 2005.

Kitts, B. (2002) Method for Improving Site Design by Comparing the Value of Different Web Real-Estate Locations against Observed Page Performance, Provisional patent

Kitts, B. (2002), Discovery, Analysis and Visualization of WWW User Clickpaths using Significance thresholding, Hierarchical and Force-directed graphing methods, Provisional patent

Kitts, B. and Freed, D., (2001) Fast tunable system and method for recommending items to users based on conditionally independent probabilities, Provisional patent

Kitts, B. (2001), Analysis of product interactions using graphical methods, Patent pending

Kitts, B. (2001), Method of predicting a customer's business potential and a data, Patent pending

Kitts, B. (2001), Method of modeling product demand subject to a large number of interactions, Patent pending

Freed, D. and Kitts, B. (2001), Data storage and processing method for fast memory-efficient automated collaborative filtering on sparse data, Patent pending

Kitts, B. (2001), Method of predicting behavior of a customer at a future date and a data processing system readable medium, Patent pending

Edvinsson, E., Beding, T. and Kitts, B. (2001), The Supremal Space Converter, Patent Application Number 0102608-7, Swedish Patent and Registration Office, Stockholm, Sweden, Includes international application.



Media Reports on Projects


adCenter announces new conversion tracking options (2009)


adCenter announces click quality reports (2007) There are many of these on the web, but the original post on adCenter blog seems to have gone missing.


Kitts, B. Vrieze, M., Freed, D. (2005), The Right Product For the Right Person: Product Recommendation from Infrequent Events, Sample Videos from the INFORMS Marketing Science Practice Prize 2005, , A free, 5 minute version of the talk can be downloaded from this link. INFORMS is selling the 30 minute talk for $59.99


How Hat World boosted conversion rates 71% through better search marketing, Internet Retailer, Thursday, September 23, 2004. Describes Hatworlds results from using the iSEBA bidding agent for pay per click auctions


Overture, iProspect highlight tools to improve paid search management, Internet Retailer, September 23, 2004. Coverage of iProspect's press release of the iSEBA bidding agent.


iProspect Unviels New Search Engine Bid Tool: Search Engine Marketing Firm iProspect unveiled iSEBA at the Search Engine Strategies Conference today, WebProNews, 2004-08-02 Coverage of iProspect's iSEBA bidding agent launch in 2004.


iProspect Unviels New Search Engine Bid Tool, WebProNews, 2004-08-02 Coverage of iProspect's iSEBA bidding agent launch in July 2004.


Vignette Press Release, June 12, 2001, Chooses Vignette to Enhance Its Online. Describes Harbor Freight’s success with their recommendation system,,4152,1897,00.html


Isakson, J. (2000), Se upp for stupet!, Guru, November 2000, pp. 28. Describes the IC mapping work performed with Leif Edvinsson and Tord Beding (Sweden). Guru is a Swedish popular magazine


Stodder, D. (2000), A Discovery With No Name, Intelligent Enterprise, October 20, 2000, Vol. 3, No. 16, Mention of my talk at a conference in Boston


Amato-McCoy, M. (1999), New Customer Management System Returns Lost Sales to Dick's, RT Magazine, June 1999. Describes coupon targeting, price optimization and affinity experiment performed for Brodbeck Enterprises.


Wellman, D. (1999), Down in the Data Mines, Supermarket Business, May, pp. 33-36. Describes my experiment with Brodbeck supermarkets in excellent detail


Weinstein, S. (1999), Tackling Technology, Progressive Grocer, Overview of the Brodbeck work


Whiting, R. and Sweat, J. (1999), Profitable Customers, InformationWeek. Overview of the Brodbeck work.




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